Home, house and commercial building chandelier installation

Install scaffolding for very high or impossible to reach spaces such as above staircase, above stairwell or above steps where it is not possible to use a ladder
Large ballroom chandelier installation in convention center. Large & heavy chandelier installation in plaza, church, theatre, hotel, mansion in King City
Thornhill electrician installs large chandeliers on high ceiling in North York. And heavy hallway chandeliers in Thornhill and Woodbridge. Reinforced ceiling in Whitchurch Stouffville. We use scaffolding or very tall stepladders in Maple and Vaughan
As well as hoists, lifts and other special heavy duty equipment. Assemble, dress crystal and hang up very large pieces in Maple, Woodbridge, Woodbridge, and Vaughan
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Large ballroom chandelier installation in convention center. Large & heavy chandelier installation in plaza, church, theatre, hotel, mansion in King City
Thornhill electrician installs large chandeliers on high ceiling in North York. And heavy hallway chandeliers in Thornhill and Woodbridge. Reinforced ceiling in Whitchurch Stouffville. We use scaffolding or very tall stepladders in Maple and Vaughan
As well as hoists, lifts and other special heavy duty equipment. Assemble, dress crystal and hang up very large pieces in Maple, Woodbridge, Woodbridge, and Vaughan
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